As of January 4, 2022

The organization shall be known as the Lake Windcrest Men’s Golf Association, hereinafter referred to as THE ASSOCIATION or THE MGA.

It shall be the purpose of the Association to work cooperatively and effectively with Lake Windcrest Club personnel in an effort to maximize the use and enjoyment of the Club’s facilities by the MGA membership.
2.2 Additionally, the Association shall plan golf tournaments and social events for members and to offer constructive suggestions and recommendations to the Club leadership concerning matters of interest to the golfing membership.
2.3 To promote and conserve the best interests and true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions.

Membership shall be open to all male Lake Windcrest golf members who are or will be 18 years of age, at any time during the membership year, who are in good standing with the Golf Club and maintain a current GHIN account and who are not currently participating in a collegiate or professional capacity.
3.2 Memberships are renewed automatically unless written notice is received prior to December 31st.
3.3 Associate Members are not eligible to join LWMGA or participate in any LWMGA events.

Annual dues for all MGA members will be $80.00 and are due January 1st. The dues will be automatically billed to the member’s ClubCorp account and will appear on their monthly statement.
4.2 Members have until the end of January to request a refund of their dues if they chose not to join or renew.
4.3 Members who join the MGA after June 1st will have their annual dues reduced to $40.00
4.4 There will be NO REFUNDS after 30 days of membership.

4.5 The Amount of the monthly dues shall be established by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
4.6 Violations of the By-Laws or standing rules, as interpreted by the Board of Directors, will be dealt with by the Board. First offenders will receive written notification from the Board. Second and subsequent violations can result in suspension or expulsion. In the event of expulsion any prepaid dues shall be forfeited. (Examples of violations may include falsifying score cards, failure to follow established rules of golf, for conduct unbecoming a member, etc.)

The MGA Board will consist of (7) officers.
5.2 The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer a Tournament Director, and 2 At Large Positions.
5.3 The President, or in the case of his absence, the Vice President, or such person as the President may appoint for that purpose, shall preside at all meetings. If the President, Vice President, or designated representative of the President are absent from any meeting, the members or board who are present may elect a temporary presiding officer.
5.4 The President, or in the case of his absence or inability to act, the Vice President, shall, with the Secretary, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Association. The President shall be a member all Committees of the Association.
5.5 The Secretary shall keep the records of the meetings of the Association and the latest approved By-Laws and shall perform other duties as may from time to
5.6 The Treasurer is authorized to establish bank accounts on behalf of the Association and to perform all duties associated with the administration and maintenance of such accounts. The Treasurer shall collect and keep all moneys of the Association and shall disburse them as directed by the officers of the Association. Two individuals authorized by the Board of Directors must sign all checks. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts in books belonging to the Association which shall be at all times open to the officers and/ or members of the Association. The Treasurer shall make a report of the financial condition of the Association monthly and a copy of each report shall be recorded in the minutes of the Association. An audit of the Association books shall be required by the end of December of each year with the methodology determined by the board of directors. The Treasurer shall send all notices and conduct all correspondence relating to the financial matters of the Association.

5.7 The Tournament Director shall chair the Tournament Committee and will submit a proposed calendar of events to the Board of Directors of the Association for approval by the first meeting of the new Board of Directors. He shall have the responsibility for planning and conducting all golf events and prescribe such regulation as may be necessary for proper conduct. He shall be responsible to assure that all participants in MGA sponsored tournaments have a USGA Handicap Index or an exception has been granted.
5.8 The Vice President shall be responsible for membership reporting including maintenance of the membership list and other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the President.
5.9 Vacancies that occur during the term of office and prior to an annual election shall be filled by the Board of Directors from the MGA membership.
5.10 Absence of any Board of Directors member for any two (2) consecutive meetings without prior notification or satisfactory explanation to the Officers of the Board shall be construed to be a resignation from the Board. Any Board member who fails to attend at least six (6) monthly Board meetings during any calendar year for whatever reason will be removed as a Board member.

6.1 General Meetings of the Association shall be held at least once a year.
6.2 The Board of Directors of the MGA shall meet once every month. Any member in good standing of the MGA shall be entitled to attend these meetings.
6.3 Additional meetings may be called by the President of the Board at any time.
6.4 A quorum consisting of THREE (3) members of the Board must be present for any meeting that requires a vote on MGA business.


7.1 The annual election of officers of the Association shall be held during the month of November following the MGA Tournament at Lake Windcrest Golf Club, with the exact date to be determined by the President of the Association.

7.2 At least 30 days prior to the annual election, a notice of the time and place of the annual meeting will be posted on the bulletin board of Lake Windcrest Golf Club and posted on the Association website.
7.3 The method of balloting will be at the discretion of the presiding officers.
7.4 A quorum of five (5) percent of the members in addition to a minimum of three (3) elected officers and/or directors of the Association must be present at a General Meeting to conduct business or there is cause for adjournment.
7.5 Directors shall be elected by the majority of votes cast at the election.
7.6 All members in good standing are eligible and invited to run for election to the Board of Directors. Any such member wanting to run for election must advise the Board within a reasonable time (or at least 30 days prior to the election)
7.7 The Officer positions of the Board of Directors shall be filled by election from all of the Board of Directors (including outgoing and newly elected Board members) at the December MGA Board meeting.

8.1 A slate of candidates will be composed by the Nominating Committee and presented to the membership prior to the election. The terms of office shall be TWO (2) years commencing January 1st following the election.
8.2 The Tournament Committee, consisting of the incoming and outgoing tournament chairs along with the incoming president, shall meet as required to prepare the tournament calendar for the current year. This committee shall also set the guidelines for style of tournaments and the associated prizes to be awarded thereto. They are to keep sufficient records to amend any tournaments warranting a change to the past year’s schedule. The chairman of the committee shall be the Tournament Chairman.
8.3 Other committees may be formed at the direction of the Board of Directors to assume specific functions as deemed necessary by the board.

9.1 The management of the Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of the elected officers and directors with the authority to act on all matters of interest to the Association.
9.2 The immediate Past President will serve as an advisor to the board without voting privileges.
9.3 A quorum of Three (3) elected officers and/or directors must be present at a board meeting to conduct business.

The following shall be the order of business at the General Membership Meeting wherein the election of officers is held: A) Minutes from the prior meeting; B) Treasurer’s report; C) Committee reports; D) Old Business; E) New Business; F) Nominations committee’s recommendations and nominations from the floor; G) Elections of new officers and directors; and H) installations of newly elected officers.
10.2 All meetings of the MGA shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rule of Order.

These bylaws may be modified, altered, or amended by the voting members of the association at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose; provided, however, that a statement of the proposed modifications, alterations or amendments signed by one or more of the active members of the association be posted on the bulletin board of Lake Windcrest Golf Club at least (15) days prior to said meeting. Passage requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at such meeting.
